Sold & Under Contract Listings

It’s easy to display SOLD properties (or Under Contract). Just use a filter with the criteria you want and specify listing_status:sold. In our display, we’ve also added a filter to limit the display to just 4 listings at a time.
Note: This is only supported if the MLS provides Sold and Under Contract statuses in their data feed.
Recently Sold
How It’s Done
Here is the widget code showing you how this display is generated.
The Property Display WIZARD in your Account lets you use an easy-to-use MLS search form to automatically generate these code snippets.
You will need to add an extra filter parameter to show SOLD.
For WordPress:
[mbb_widget id="MBBv3_FeaturedList" filter="mls_id:demo+listing_status:sold+limit:4"]
<div id=”MBBv3_FeaturedList” filter=”mls_id:demo+listing_status:sold+limit:4″></div>